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The Amper Physio Lab
Back Pain & Injury
Boot Camp 10

Boot Camp 


Intensive exercise course to activate dormant muscle strength to support pain & injury 

30 min exercise sessions x 10

3 x a week

3 weeks

1:1 sessions 

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Boot Camp Concept

Woman suffering from low back  pain during medical exam. Chiropractic, osteopathy, Physiot
Through our system of exercises, your vital muscles will  become activated and strengthen up (to override faulty muscles) to support your spine and allow painfree function and movement 

Hazel's explanation of Boot Camp
"I know immediately if a patient will benefit from 'Boot Camp'.  During my consultation and assessments, I can identify if there is a weakness as the primary cause for the condition that I am presented with.

When I conduct special muscle testing I can locate deficiencies in certain muscle groups and also which muscles are being wrongly overworked - this leads to pain.

The fascinating aspect is that the correct muscles do exist - however they are dormant and not neurologically (brain) connected so they become lazy and don't turn up to do their job.

The boot camp is so successful because we are activating vital muscles and putting others (compensating muscles) to rest,  The positions we use, the method of activation, the threshold training - all lead to a very fast recruitment of the dormant muscles. Maintenance  (see below) is then continued through a home programme or coming to a weekly class and supplemented by your new found knowledge and connection to your body - of how to move and exist. 

It is a hugely satisfying process for both patient and our team "

Our 10 Step Strategic System











How the team works 

Lead Physiotherapist

Exercise Science & Rehabilitation Specialist 

Massage & Stretching Specialist

Consultation, Assessment & Measurements 
Team Meetings 
Mid-way Measurements
Final review & measurements 
Maintenance Plan 

As a team, we work around you from start to finish. 
Hazel will conduct the initial assessment to fully understand your condition, the path-physiology (how the injury has affected your muscles, joints, nerves, discs ...) pre-measures are taken and a plan is set. All of the findings are shared with the team. 
Ilayda then conducts the 10 training sessions. 
During your training the following also takes place;
Team meetings re your progress, any issues and any extra needs such as a release session with Hazel for Physiotherapy or Marta for a Deep tissue massage. 

At the end of your Boot Camp, you will have your final consultation with Hazel and Ilayda to take your final measures and discuss how you maintain your new changes. 

How to book 

Contact us to let us know you would like to start your Boot Camp 

Booking Process

2. Click "Book Now" .
3. Select "Ilayda Rehab Specialist"
4. Select "30 mins Boot Camp"
5. Choose your 10 dates 
6. Check Your email for  10 x confirmations

Payment is made as soon as your Boot Camp dates are booked into the clinic diary and before your course starts.

We will provide you with the Clinic's banking details for a BACS transfer

*If you have not yet attended for your pre-assessment,  please book in your 30 min session (on-line or by calling us)

Attend for your 10 sessions wearing socks and comfortable clothes that you allow you to move freely

At the end of your 10 sessions, Ilayda will book your final joint session with herself and Hazel


Wake up dormant muscles

Special exercises - the position, the threshold training, the reps that will activate dormant muscles

Relieve your skeleton of compression - create space

Our bones and soft tissue desire length and space. With your new muscles creating a traction-effect, you are gifting your body what it needs

Remove chronic pain related to chronic weakness

Give life back to long term atrophied muscles. Long lasting pain can be re-booted by awakening muscles back to doing their job 


Creating muscle memory and re-igniting past memory will give you long lasting effects of change and transforrmation

What Our Clients Say


Karen Ciclitira

Hazel is the most extraordinary physiotherapist. Her skill is exceptional - she is a warm and caring therapist. Hazel has helped all of my family with various injuries. I have a young daughter who is hyper-mobile so she easily injures herself. Hazel has been brilliant with her helping her with exercises and treatment. My previous experiences with physiotherapists has been very different. Hazel has amazing skill and talent and is able to quickly diagnose issues and treat them brilliantly
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